Letter from the President: The most important climate change policy issue facing us

September 28, 2010

Dear friends and colleagues,

In November, a decision is going to be made on the most important clean energy policy we have in the U.S. right now. If you’re not following it, you should be. I’ll tell you why.

Proposition 23 will appear on the California ballot November 2. Spearheaded by Texas oil companies, the proposition would repeal California’s landmark climate change law, AB 32, which has paved the way for hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs and billions of dollars in investments. You may think that because it’s a California ballot measure, no one outside of the state needs to be concerned. But, the reality is that every person across the country – even across the world – who supports clean energy and clean air should not only be taking notice but also taking action.

If it succeeds, Prop 23 will kill the strongest clean energy policy ever passed in the United States. It will create significant roadblocks for clean energy job creation, investments and innovation. It will discredit landmark environmental initiatives developed from the collaborative work of business, government, academia and environmental groups. It will increase our dependence on imported oil and decimate newly emerging clean energy businesses like wind, solar and energy efficiency. And, it will set a precedent we can’t afford by repealing a public health law that had already been adopted and is already cleaning the air we breathe.

All of this will have strong implications for other states and for the nation. If the proponents of this proposition show it is possible to overturn clean air laws in California, we won’t recover for years to come and other public health laws around the country will be put into jeopardy. No matter where you live – whether it’s New York City or Seattle or St. Louis – approval of this proposition will affect you.

There are several actions you can take to help ensure this deceptive ballot measure does not pass.

First, join the Climate Action Reserve in supporting the No on Prop 23 campaign. You can be listed as an opponent to the Dirty Energy Proposition as an individual or as an organization. It only takes a few seconds and you can start right now by clicking here.

You can also take your support one step further by becoming a Clean Energy Leader. These people serve as volunteer leaders in educating others on this proposition. Once you join the No on Prop 23 campaign, you will have the option of continuing on as a Clean Energy Leader.

Second, you can donate money to the No on Prop 23 campaign. We need all of the donations we can get to fight the funding from Texas oil companies Valero and Tesoro and billionaire oil barons Charles and David Koch, owners of Koch Industries and numerous oil refineries. To donate, please visit https://secure.donationsafe.com/sde/.

I urge you to get the facts and learn more about No on Prop 23. Please join the Reserve on Thursday, October 21, 2010 for a special webinar discussing the proposition and its impact on clean energy development, job growth, and regional and federal policy initiatives. For more information on the webinar or to register, please click here. For more information on No on Prop 23, please visit www.stopdirtyenergyprop.com.

The Climate Action Reserve has always strongly advocated collaboration among multi-stakeholder groups to effectively address climate change issues. Opposing Prop 23 is no different. All of us must stand together in protecting the progress we have already made and the progress we’ll make in the future.

Gary Gero

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