SAN DIEGO, CA – The Climate Action Reserve, North America’s premier carbon offset registry, presented the 2016 Project Developer of the Year Awards to carbon offset project developers that achieved the most emissions reductions, registered the most carbon offset projects, and registered the most new carbon offset projects during the past year. The awards recognize organizations for their leadership in advancing climate solutions and strengthening carbon markets through the development of successful carbon offset projects that achieve real, additional, and permanent emissions reductions.
“We are honored to present the Project Developer of the Year Awards in recognition of the largest contributions to the success of the voluntary and compliance carbon markets,” said Linda Adams, Chair of Award recipients have achieved significant emissions reductions to benefit our climate, fostered important environmental co-benefits for local communities and demonstrated the fiscal value and environmental integrity of market-based solutions to climate change.”
The 2016 Project Developer Award recipients are:
Camco International Group, in recognition of registering the most projects with the Climate Action Reserve in 2015, with 15 unique projects registered. Camco finances, develops, and operates clean energy and emission reduction projects that contribute to a sustainable future, with a focus on generating biogas from organic waste streams. Camco operates one of the largest on-farm anaerobic digesters in the U.S. It has generated offsets from mine methane, landfill gas, forestry and ODS project types and holds the largest portfolio of livestock projects in the California compliance market.
“The North American carbon offsets market is an important part of Camco’s business. We are pleased with the continued growth and success of our portfolio of offset projects and the ability of our team to register projects and issue offset credits in a timely fashion. This recognition by the Reserve is a testament to the hard work and expertise of Camco in developing a first-rate carbon offset project portfolio that has issued over one million California compliance offsets from twenty projects across the U.S,” said Charles Purshouse, Vice President, Carbon Services.
ClimeCo Corporation, in recognition of registering the most new projects (8) with the Reserve in 2015. ClimeCo Corporation is a developer, broker and advisor of both voluntary and compliance grade environmental commodity market products across numerous project types with specialized expertise in California cap-and-trade, voluntary market advisory and transactional services, and project financing of internal CO2 abatement systems.
“We’re pleased that the exponential growth of the ClimeCo Corporation is reflected in this recognition from the Reserve. Our team has worked tirelessly to bring new carbon offset projects to market, and we will continue to bring carbon market expertise together with comprehensive financing and project development to help realize real greenhouse gas emissions reductions and help organizations meet their carbon neutrality commitments,” said Bill Flederbach, President and CEO of ClimeCo.
Usal Redwood Forest Company, in recognition of registering the most offset credits with the Reserve in 2015 with 3,166,372 credits issued. The Usal Redwood Forest encompasses more than 49,000 acres of productive redwood/Douglas-fir forest located on the North Coast of California. In 2007, the Forest was acquired by the Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc (“RFFI”), a non-profit organization dedicated to acquiring, protecting, restoring and managing forestlands for the long-term benefit of the region’s citizens. Since acquisition of the Forest, RFFI has conducted extensive restoration and sustainably managed it to ensure carbon storage and fish and wildlife habitat.
“The Redwood Forest Foundation is honored to receive a Reserve Project Developer of the Year Award for our Usal Redwood Forest project. Usal, a working community forest with 3,166,372 credits issued in 2015, has one of the largest improved forest management carbon projects in the country. Together with the Reserve and our respected conservation finance advisory firm, U.S. Forest Capital, LLC, the Usal project is providing climate solutions by allowing our forest to grow,” said Mark Welther, President & CEO of the Usal Redwood Forest Company.