Mexico Forest Protocol

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The Mexico Forest Protocol provides standardized guidance for carbon enhancement projects and addresses eligibility, baseline, inventory, permanence, social and environmental safeguards, and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) requirements.

The protocol went through a piloting phase after the approval of Version 1.0 by the Reserve Board on October 23, 2013. The Reserve worked closely with several identified landowners to ‘road test’ the protocol and develop software to standardize monitoring and reporting activities. This deliberate process was intended to ensure the protocol is as clear and accurate as possible before being released for general use.

Protocol Version and Link to Further Information Adoption Date Notes
Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 (English | Spanish)

(Previous versions)

October 5, 2022 Available for project submission

  • Protocol is a combined PDF that includes both the errata and protocol, with errata arranged first.
  • Errata and Clarifications to Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 (English | Spanish) (December 15, 2023)
  • Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 Summary (English | Spanish)
  • Mexico Forest Protocol Summary of Changes from Version 2.0 to 3.0 (English | Spanish)
  • MFP V2.0 to V3.0 Transfer Guidance (English | Spanish)

Protocol Revision

The Mexico Forest Protocol is currently undergoing an update to Version 3.1. For more information, please visit the Mexico Forest Protocol revision webpage:

Protocol Supporting Documents

The documents and tools below are companions to the protocol and must be used for project development and verification oversight.

Document/Tool Description Project/Protocol Version Relevance
Assessment Area Data File (English | Spanish)

The Assessment Area Data File includes default ratio estimators used to calculate carbon estimates based on the Activity Area location and activity. Version 2.0, Version 3.0
Assessment Area Map:

A map of the Assessment Areas used to determine Activity Area default ratio estimators. Version 2.0, Version 3.0
Assessment Area Shapefiles:

Shapefiles of the Assessment Areas used to determine Activity Area default ratio estimators. Version 2.0, Version 3.0
Carbon Monitoring Worksheet (CMW) V3.0 (Spanish) La Hoja de Cálculo de Monitoreo de Carbono es la base para el reporte de información de Carbono en madera viva y muerta en pie asociada con la línea de base y actividad del proyecto, nivel de confianza del inventario muestreado y ajustes por incertidumbre en los acervos de carbono del proyecto, y la contribución al Fondo de Aseguramiento. Puede ser utilizada por el Dueño Forestal y presentada a la Reserva anualmente.

Available only in Spanish


Version 3.0
Cost Benefit Analysis Tool V3.0 (Spanish) The Cost Benefit Analysis Tool is provided to facilitate the analysis of the anticipated costs and benefits of a forestry project. The calculation of credits and potential benefits are estimates based on the entered project data and default values, the Reserve does not guarantee they will be the final project values. Available only in Spanish. Version 3.0
Formato del Inventario (Spanish) El Formato del Inventario es un formato que se debe usar para el desarrollo de un inventario. El Formato tambien incluye una metodología de muestreo. Se requerirá para todas las versiones del protocol.
Maximum Radial Increment Values (Spanish) Maximum Radial Increment Values by vigor class and ecosystem to be used for the implementation of the V3.0 Errata and Clarification. All
Project Implementation Agreement Guidance (English | Spanish) Guidance for the administrative steps of signing, notarizing and recording the Project Implementation Agreement. All
Restoration Activities Performance Standard Test Tool V3.0 (Spanish) Required for Restoration Activity Areas to demonstrate compliance with the Performance Standard Test. Available only in Spanish. Version 3.0
Sequential Sampling Workbook V3.0 (Spanish) Required for all site visit verifications for Activity Areas that use the field sampling inventory methodology. Available only in Spanish. Version 3.0
Applicable to Prior Protocol Versions
Quantification Guidance (English | Spanish) Guidance for quantifying a forest project’s onsite carbon stocks, both for purposes of estimating a project’s baseline as well as providing ongoing estimates of onsite project carbon stocks throughout the project life. Version 1.5
Verification Guidance (English | Spanish)

Guidance required for the verification of GHG emission removals associated with a planned set of activities to increase forest carbon stocks. Version 1.5
Guía para Desarrollar un Proyecto (Spanish) La Guía para Desarrollar un Proyecto es una orientación opcional para facilitar el desarrollo de proyectos forestales. Version 1.5,
Version 2.0
Cost Benefit Analysis Tool (Spanish) The Cost Benefit Analysis Tool is provided to facilitate the analysis of the anticipated costs and benefits of a forestry project. The calculation of credits and potential benefits are estimates based on the entered project data and default values, the Reserve does not guarantee they will be the final project values. Version 2.0
Forest Land Cover Risk Tool V2.0 (Spanish) Available only in Spanish Version 2.0
Carbon Monitoring Worksheet (CMW) V2.0 (Spanish) La Hoja de Cálculo de Monitoreo de Carbono es la base para el reporte de información de Carbono en madera viva y muerta en pie asociada con la línea de base y actividad del proyecto, nivel de confianza del inventario muestreado y ajustes por incertidumbre en los acervos de carbono del proyecto, y la contribución al Fondo de Aseguramiento. Puede ser utilizada por el Dueño Forestal y presentada a la Reserva anualmente.

Available only in Spanish

Version 2.0
Guidelines for Aggregating Forest Projects (English | Spanish)

January 2017

This document provides revised guidelines for aggregating smaller forest projects with the goal of making smaller projects more cost-effective. Updated in January 2017

Version 1.5
Species Equation List (Spanish) The Species Equation List includes all species and their allometric equations included in CALCBOSK, along with the sources for each equation. Version 2.0
List of Unique Native Habitats (English | Spanish) Updated in January 2017 Version 1.5
Quantification Tools User Manual (English | Spanish) This User Manual provides guidance for using the quantification tools required for the Mexico Forest Protocol, including: CALCBOSK, i-Tree, GIS, the Carbon Monitoring Worksheet, and Sequential Sampling Worksheet. Version 1.5, Version 2.0
Verification Body Requirements Memo (September 16, 2019) (English | Spanish)

Requirements for all site visit verifications. Version 1.5, Version 2.0

Project Registration Documents

Document Description Required Phase Privilege
Project Submittal Form (Spanish) A proposal to undertake a Mexico forest project. Project Submittal Public
Aggregate Submittal Form (Spanish)

A proposal from an Aggregator to undertake more than one Mexico Forest Project and submit them under an aggregate. Aggregate Submittal Public
Annual Monitoring Report (Spanish)

A report used by the Project Developer stating the project’s estimated annual carbon stocks, attesting that the project is carrying out the intended project activities, and confirming that the project complies with the requirements of the protocol. Required annually. Verification Public
Project Report Template (Spanish)

Form used by the Project Developer for reporting required information about a forest project. The Project Design Document must be submitted for review by a verifier and approved by the Reserve before the forest project can be registered with the Reserve. Verification Public
Project Report Annexes (Spanish) List of naming conventions for the annexes of the Project Report. The Project Developer should use this document as a guide when uploading the supporting documents to the software. Verification Public
Verification Report Template (Spanish)

Optional form to facilitate the reporting of verification results and confirm that a forest project is in compliance with the requirements of the protocol. The Verification Report must be submitted within 12 months of the end of a reporting period being verified. Verification Public
Verification Statement (Spanish)

The official confirmation and final statement of findings, detailing the number of CRTs issued, the vintages (if more than one) and the standard used to verify CRTs. Verification Public
Notification of Verification Activity / Conflict of Interest (NOVA/COI) Form (Spanish) A form detailing the scope and plan for verification activities and the relationship between a verification body and project developer, in order for the Reserve to determine conflict of interest. Before Verification Private
Attestation of No Conflicts (Spanish) This form attests attests that there are no lawsuits or claims on the property. Verification Public
Verification Policies Acknowledgment, Agreement, and Verification Staff Reporting Form (Spanish)

Verification bodies must have a duly authorized representative of its organization sign and submit the legally binding form to the Reserve in order to be eligible to conduct verification activities under the Reserve program. The purpose of this required agreement between the Reserve and its verification bodies is to ensure that personnel performing verification activities are aware of their roles, responsibilities, and obligations under the program. This includes an attachment of a Verification Staff Reporting Form with a roster of all staff members who will be designated verifiers and serve as key personnel on Reserve projects. This form must be updated annually. General Private

Mexico Forest Protocol Development

Use the links below to access information about the protocol development process for the Mexico Forest Protocol. Public comments, staff responses to public comments, workgroup participants, and other supporting documents can also be found here.

Click the protocol version below to access more information:

Please contact the Reserve with questions or comments.