Mexico Boiler Efficiency Protocol Development

Version 1.0

With the support of Mexico’s Secretariat of Energy (SENER) and USAID through the Mexico Low Emissions Development Program (MLED), implemented by Tetra Tech, the Climate Action Reserve developed a standardized carbon credit project protocol for commercial and industrial boiler efficiency upgrades in Mexico. The protocol provides financial incentives (in the form of carbon credits) for energy efficiency upgrades to boilers of 9.8 MW or larger.

Public Comments

  • Staff Response to Public Comments on Draft Mexico Boiler Efficiency Protocol V1.0 (English | Spanish)
Evolution Mind (Spanish | English – translated from original)
PEMEX (Spanish | English – translated from original)

Public Comment Workshop

The Reserve hosted an online public workshop on July 20, 2016 to discuss the draft protocol and answer stakeholder questions. Workshop materials and video are available below.


The Reserve worked closely with a multi-stakeholder workgroup to develop the protocol. The workgroup included the following representatives:

Barbara Tool O’Neil Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP)
Camco International Group, Inc. MÉXICO2: Plataforma Mexicana de Carbono
Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
Colegio de Ingenieros Mecánicos y Electricistas (CIME) Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT)
Comisió Nacional para el Uso Eficiente de la Energía (CONUEE) Secretaría de Energía (SENER)
ECOVES Sustrend SpA
Evolution Mind, A. C. TÜV Rheinland de México S.A. de C.V.
Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez

Workgroup Meetings

In-Person Workgroup Meeting 3
June 6, 2016

In-Person Workgroup Meeting 2
October 1, 2015

Workgroup Kick-Off Meeting
July 9, 2015


Questions about the Mexico Boiler Protocol may be directed to [email protected].