Mexico Halocarbon Protocol

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The Mexico Halocarbon Protocol addresses GHG emission reductions associated with the destruction of halocarbons sourced from Mexico and destroyed at facilities in Mexico. Eligible refrigerants include Chlorofluorcarbon-11 (CFC-11), CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, Hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22), Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (HFC-32), HFC-125, HFC-134a, and HFC-143a. Eligible HCFC and HFC sources include stockpiles recovered before protocol adoption, refrigerant recovered from end-of-life equipment or retrofitted equipment, and leftover virgin refrigerant from recharge cylinders.

Current Protocol Version(s) Available for Project Submittal Adoption Date Notes and Supporting Documents
Mexico Halocarbon Protocol Version 1.0 (English | Spanish) June 16, 2021 Mexico Halocarbon Protocol Version 1.0 Summary (English | Spanish) (coming soon)

Protocol development

Project Registration Documents

Fase Requerida
Required Phase
Formato de presentación del proyecto Un documento que se manda a la Reserva para solicitar un presentar un proyecto de halocarbonos en México Presentación del Proyecto Público
Project Submittal Form A proposal to undertake a Mexico Halocarbon Project Project Submittal Public


Please contact the Reserve with questions or comments.