The Reserve has developed the U.S. Grassland Protocol to address GHG emission reductions associated with the avoided conversion of grassland to cropland.
Current Protocol Version(s) Available for Project Submittal | Adoption Date | Notes and Supporting Documents |
U.S. Grassland Protocol Version 2.1 | February 13, 2020 | Errata and Clarifications to U.S. Grassland Protocol (July 18, 2023) |
Protocol Revision
The U.S. Grassland Protocol is currently undergoing a program revision update to Version 2.2. Program revisions are editorial and/or technical in nature and do not require a public comment period, nor do they require adoption by the Reserve’s Board. These revisions do not significantly change the policies or eligibility in the protocol but can change or revise quantification methodologies or monitoring requirements. The revisions will focus on the following:
- Section 3.5.4: Project Implementation Agreement
- Section 6.4: Monitoring Ecosystem Health
- Section 7.2: Reporting Parameters (Project Documentation)
- Section 8.5.1: Site Visits
Stakeholders may submit revision suggestions to [email protected].
Protocol Supporting Documents
Please review the User Guide to U.S. Grassland Protocol Forms, available in the table below, which provides a comprehensive overview of the forms that are required for different project scenarios.
Document/Tool (version) | Description | Protocol Version Relevance |
GrassTool | The Reserve has developed a Grassland Calculation Tool to assist with the quantification of projects using the U.S. Grassland Protocol. The equations in the tool mirror those in the protocol, and perform calculations for all required and optional SSRs to conduct protocol-compliant emission reduction estimations. Use of the tool is optional. Users provide project-specific data in the worksheet titled “Inputs” and can review the project calculations and emission reduction estimates in the worksheet titled “Outputs.”
If you are developing a U.S. Grasslands project and would like to receive a copy of this tool, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the e-mail message, please include the following information:
Version 1.0, Version 2.0, Version 2.1 |
Grassland Project Parameters (February 26, 2024) | An excel file containing project parameters by stratum and county, as well as discount factors for the uncertainty of modeling future practices and climate. This file is required in order to carry out the quantification for a grassland project. To request a copy, please email [email protected]. | Version 2.0, Version 2.1 |
Grassland Project Handbook v2.1a (September 2020) | This Handbook is intended to be a companion document to the U.S. Grassland Protocol, providing advice and assistance to project developers as they initiate and manage grassland projects. This document will be updated periodically by Reserve staff. | Version 2.0, Version 2.1 |
User Guide: U.S. Grassland Protocol Forms | Describes when the various forms mentioned in the U.S. Grassland Protocol are required and provides example project scenarios to help explain when the forms should be used. | Version 1.0 |
Monitoring Plan Template (December 2019) | This document is intended to assist project developers in organizing project data, summarizing key aspects of a project, and to help facilitate verification. It is created at the beginning of a project, and updated over time as conditions change. | Version 1.0, Version 2.0, Version 2.1 |
Project Monitoring Report Template (August 2021) | A report stating the project’s estimated annual emission reductions, attesting that the project is carrying out the intended project activities, and confirming that no reversals have occurred on the project area. | Version 1.0, Version 2.0, Version 2.1 |
Project Registration Documents
See the User Guide for U.S. Grassland Protocol Forms for more detailed information.
Document | Description | Required Phase | Privilege |
Grassland Project Submittal Form | A proposal from a Project Developer to undertake a grassland project. | Project Submittal | Public |
Grassland Cooperative Submittal Form | A proposal from a Cooperative Developer to undertake more than one grassland project and bring them into their cooperative. | Project Submittal | Public |
New Project Enrollment Form | A Cooperative Developer uses this form to add an additional project to their cooperative. | Public | |
Cooperative Transfer Form | A Project Developer uses this form to leave a cooperative. | Public | |
Project Area Map | Map that shows the general physical boundary of the project area. This is not the same as the georeferenced project boundary map (private) required during verification. See Section 7.2 of the protocol for further information. | Project Submittal | Public |
U.S. Grasslands Conservation Easement Screening Form | This form is required to be submitted by projects using a land conservation agreement or other eligible conservation agreement under the protocol. It is recommended that this form be completed prior to executing the easement/agreement. Submission of the form as part of the initial listing process allows the Reserve the chance to ensure the proposed terms incorporated in the easement/agreement meet the requirements of the protocol. | Public | |
Grassland Contract Project Implementation Agreement (Contract PIA) | This template is for informational purposes only. The Reserve will send the Project Developer an Information Request Form during the verification review to collect the necessary information for completing the PIA. Once the project is close to registration, the PIA will be sent to the Project Owner for execution.
The PIA is a legal agreement between the Reserve and a Project Developer setting forth: (i) the Project Developer’s obligation (and the obligation of its successors and assigns) to comply with the U.S. Grassland Protocol, and (ii) the rights and remedies of the Reserve in the event of any failure of the Project Developer to comply with its obligations. The Contract PIA is not recorded on the deed to the property. |
Verification | Public |
Grassland Recorded Project Implementation Agreement (Recorded PIA) | This template is for informational purposes only. The Reserve will send the Project Developer an Information Request Form during the verification review to collect the necessary information for completing the PIA. Once the project is close to registration, the PIA will be sent to the Project Owner for execution.
The PIA is a legal agreement between the Reserve and a Project Developer setting forth: (i) the Project Developer’s obligation (and the obligation of its successors and assigns) to comply with the U.S. Grassland Protocol, and (ii) the rights and remedies of the Reserve in the event of any failure of the Project Developer to comply with its obligations. The Recorded PIA must be recorded on the deed to the property. |
Verification | Public |
Indemnification Agreement | This is a sample indemnification agreement that Project Owners may use. An indemnification agreement is only required when there are multiple Grassland Owners who are not party to the legal instruments related to the project. This agreement must be executed by the Project Owner and state that the Project Owner will indemnify the Reserve in connection with any claims brought by other grassland owners or would-be grassland owners against the Reserve. See section 2.3.2 of the protocol for further information. | Verification | Public |
Monitoring Report Template | A report stating the project’s estimated annual emission reductions, attesting that the project is carrying out the intended project activities, and confirming that no reversals have occurred on the project area. | Verification | Public |
Monitoring Plan Template | This document is intended as a template to assist project developers in organizing project data, summarizing key aspects of a project, and to help facilitate verification. It is created at the beginning of a project, and updated over time as conditions change. | Verification | Private |
Grassland CIG Report: Stimulating Grassland Conservation Through Greenhouse Gas Emissions Markets
The Reserve’s grassland efforts have been supported in part by a generous Conservation Innovation Grant from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The grant period ran from November 2015 through December 2018, and involved the participation of several partner organizations. You may download the final report, detailing the activities and achievements under this CIG, here: link.
Knowledge Hub
- Overview of the Grassland Protocol Version 2.0 (February 24, 2017)
Please contact the Reserve with questions or comments.