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Errata and clarifications for Version 3.0
The Reserve is holding a second public comment period for errata and clarifications to the Mexico Forest Protocol V3.0. The public comment period will be open from January 27 – February 10, 2025. Please submit all comments to [email protected].
Previous versions:
- E&C public comment draft – August 2024 (English | Spanish)
- E&C workgroup draft – November 2024 (English | Spanish)
Workgroup Meeting
December 11, 2024
Version 3.1
The Mexico Forest Protocol update to Version 3.1 will include revision of the incorporation of mangrove soil carbon and subsequent potential secondary effects, among other topics.
Public Webinar
The Reserve hosted a public webinar to kickoff the Mexico Forest Protocol V3.1 revision process (November 9, 2022)
- Webinar recording
- Presentation slides (English | Spanish)
Protocol Workgroup
The Mexico Forest Protocol update will be developed through the Reserve’s multi-stakeholder workgroup process. The Reserve strives to create a well-balanced workgroup consisting of industry representatives, government, project developers, academia, verifiers, and environmental advocacy organizations across Mexico. Workgroup member organizations can be found below.
Ala-Bool | ICICO |
Bioforestal Innovacion Sustentable SC | Northern Arizona University |
BRET Consultores | Pronatura México A.C. |
Canopia Carbon | The Earthlab SA DE CV |
CONABIO | Tecnológico del Valle del Yaqui – Comité Mexicano de Manglares |
Conservation International | Toroto |
CostaSalvaje | SEMARNAT |
ECOACT / ATOS | World Resources Institute |
Fundación San Crisanto |
Stakeholders are also welcome to participate in the process as “observers.” Observers may attend workgroup meetings in listen-only mode, comment on the draft protocol when it is released for public comment, and attend the public webinar held during the public comment period. Please email agarcia(at)climateactionreserve.org if you wish to observe the workgroup process.
Workgroup Meetings
Workgroup Meeting 1: Mangrove soil carbon and secondary effects (November 21, 2022)
- Webinar recording
- Presentation slides (English | Spanish)
Workgroup Meeting 2: Secondary effects (December 8, 2022)
Development Timeline
The following timeline will be updated as the protocol development process unfolds.
Public webinar | November 9, 2022 |
Workgroup Statement of Interest due | November 14, 2022 |
Formation of workgroup | November 2022 |
Workgroup meetings | November – December 2022 |
Protocol drafting | November -December 2022 |
Public comment period | January 2023 |
Final protocol published | February 2023 |
Please contact policy(at)climateactionreserve.org with questions or comments.
An Errata and Clarifications for the Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 was available for public comment from August 12 – September 10, 2024.
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 Errata and Clarifications Public Comment Draft (English | Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 3.0 Improved Forest Management Assessment Tool (English | Spanish)
Version 3.0
The Mexico Forest Protocol update to Version 3.0 includes the revision of mechanisms to comply with permanence and additionality requirements, the application of stratification for forest inventories, modifications for mangrove ecosystems such as the inclusion of soil carbon, and social safeguards, among other topics. The protocol was adopted by the Reserve’s Board of Directors on October 5, 2022.
Public Comments
Public Comment Webinar
The Reserve held a public comment webinar on August 9 to discuss the draft protocol in detail and to solicit public comment (conducted in Spanish):
ANCE | Northern Arizona University |
Bioforestal Innovacion Sustentable SC | Pronatura México A.C. |
CANOPIA CARBON | Secretaría del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México |
Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible | Servicio y Consultoría Ambiental y Forestal S. de R.L. de C.V. |
ECOACT / ATOS | South Pole |
Ejido Coltzingo | The Earthlab SA DE CV |
Forest Rangers Alliance A.C. | Toroto* |
Fundación San Crisanto | Unidad de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal Integral Topia, S.C. |
GLZ Abogados | Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas |
ICICO | World Resources Institute |
* Provided partial funding to support protocol revision process.
Workgroup Meetings
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting
June 16, 2022
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting: Additionality
December 10, 2021
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting 4: Mangrove
December 2, 2021
- Reserve presentation Spanish
- Meeting recording
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting 3: Forest inventory
November 18, 2021
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting 2: Safeguards and eligibility
November 9, 2021
MFP V3.0 Subcommittee Meeting: Permanence – Legal instruments
November 4, 2021
MFP V3.0 Workgroup Meeting 1: Permanence
October 28, 2021
Kickoff Meeting
September 23, 2021
- Meeting recording
- Presentation slides (English | Spanish)
Version 2.0
The Mexico Forest Protocol revision to Version 2.0 included reassessing the Version 1.5 Performance Standard Test and Secondary Effects calculation for improved forest management activities, adopting a new quantification methodology for small urban forest activities and silvo-pastoral and agroforestry activities, incorporating previously released errata and clarifications, and updating language and protocol guidance concerning reporting periods, verification periods, crediting periods, and QA/QC. The protocol was adopted by the Reserve’s Board of Directors on March 30, 2020.
- Mexico Forest Protocol V2.0 (English | Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol V2.0 Summary (English and Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol V2.0 Summary of Changes from Version 1.0 to 2.0 (English | Spanish)
Public Comments
Public comments on the draft protocol closed in January 2020. Please see comments received and staff responses to public comments below.
Public Workshop
The Reserve hosted public webinars to discuss the revisions to the Mexico Forest Protocol:
Mexico Forest Protocol Public Comment Webinar 2 (in Spanish)
December 12, 2019
Mexico Forest Protocol Public Comment Webinar 1 (in Spanish)
November 26, 2019
Protocol Workgroup
The protocol was revised through an expert stakeholder review process.
Mexico Forest Protocol Workgroup Meeting 1 (in Spanish)
October 30, 2019
Version 1.5
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.5 (September 14, 2017) (English | Spanish)
- Errata and Clarifications to Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.5 (August 26, 2019) (English | Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.5 Summary (English and Spanish)
The Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.5 revision involved minor editorial changes and clarifications as well as clarified roles of project developers and forest owners, clarified project documentation requirements, revised start date requirements to six months prior to project submittal, and clarified verification requirements. Notable changes from Version 1.4 are outlined in the document below:
Version 1.4
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.4 (January 18, 2017) (English | Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol Version 1.4 Summary (English) (July 3, 2012)
- Mexico Forest Protocol Summary of Changes from Version 1.0 to 1.4 (English | Spanish)
Version 1.3
Version 1.2
Version 1.1
Version 1.0
The Climate Action Reserve developed the Mexico Forest Protocol for over three years with a diverse set of stakeholders, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, private sector, and landowners, both in the United States and in Mexico. See below for detailed information on protocol development, including public comment submissions, public workshops, workgroup meetings, a list of workgroup participants, and other resources.
Revised Version 1.0 Public Comments
The protocol underwent a second public comment period in August 2013 to solicit feedback on the revised draft of the protocol; see below for the staff response to the one comment received. The second comment period did not result in any changes to the protocol.
BioDean |
Public Workshop
The Reserve hosted a public webinar on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 to present details on the revised draft of the protocol and provide a venue for public comments. Workshop materials are available below.
Reserve Presentation
Meeting Video
Version 1.0 Public Comments
The protocol underwent an initial public comment period in January 2011 and the Reserve responded to comments (see below) and made substantial modifications to the protocol based on stakeholder feedback. Some of the important changes from the first draft include:
- Guidance for crediting avoided emissions has been removed from the current draft. This is consistent with the evolution of thinking in Mexico associated with REDD+ activities.
- Communal lands and private ownerships are eligible to develop projects.
- The approach to baseline enables varied sequestration activities to be credited under one project, including improved forest management, reforestation, and agroforestry.
- Environmental and social safeguards have been added directly into the protocol. Rather than relying on third-party criteria to define safeguards, the Reserve will require, monitor, and verify a set of safeguards that have been vetted by stakeholders.
- The approach to permanence has been modified to account for the temporal value of the project activity.
The Reserve assembled a workgroup to assist with the development of the adaptation of the Reforestation, Avoided Deforestation, and Sustainable Forest Management project types. The workgroup included:
Alianza para la Conservación Sierra Gorda | M-REDD |
Ambio | OVVALO |
Baker & McKenzie | Pronatura Mexico |
Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC/COCEF) | Pronatura Sur |
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental | Rainforest Alliance |
CIGA/UNAM | Reforestamos Mexico |
CONAFOR | Servicios Ambientales de Oaxaca |
Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible | South Pole Carbon Asset Management |
EcoLogic Development Fund | Terra Global Capital |
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) | The Nature Conservancy |
Gold Standard | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) |
GHG Offset Services | Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) |
Governors’ Climate and Forests Taskforce (GCF) | World Wildlife Fund |
Subcommittee Resources
Workgroup Meeting Documents/Resources
To ensure that the protocol development process is transparent and open, the Reserve makes available to the general public documentation from the workgroup portion of protocol development as it occurs. Click here to view meeting notes and other resources from all past workgroup meetings. For added transparency, interested individuals may also participate in workgroup calls/webinars as an “observer.” Please note that observers will be in listen only mode during calls/webinars.
Other Resources
If you are interested in reviewing the existing US Forest Protocol or the US Project Implementation Agreement (PIA) both documents are available in Spanish and English.
- U.S. Forest Protocol Version 3.1 (October 22, 2009) (English | Spanish)
- US Project Implementation Agreement (English | Spanish)
- Mexico Forest Protocol Statement of Intent (March 4, 2010) (English | Spanish)
Pilot Project – San Juan Lachao
A pilot project using the Mexico Forest Protocol is currently underway in San Juan Lachao, Oaxaca, Mexico. The Reserve will post information and resources below as the project develops.
Pilot Project Fact Sheet (English)
Protocol Onsite Training Workshop (November 2013) (Spanish)
Please contact the Reserve with questions or comments.