U.S. Organic Waste Composting Protocol Development

Stakeholder Consultation – Grocery Store Documentation

The Reserve hosted a stakeholder consultation webinar on March 19, 2014 to discuss potential options for alternative eligibility requirements for source-separated organics (SSO) from grocery stores. Staff prepared the memorandum below which outlines the issues, potential options for protocol updates, and request for stakeholder engagement. The presentation slides and webinar video are also available.

Version 1.1

The U.S. Organic Waste Composting (OWC) Protocol underwent a technical revision that reflects feedback received, research conducted, and errata and clarifications released since the protocol’s initial adoption in 2010.

Public Comments

California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) The Climate Trust
Edgar & Associates, Inc. US Composting Council
Environmental Credit Corp.

Public Comment Webinar

The Reserve hosted a webinar to discuss the proposed changes to the protocol on May 29, 2013. The Reserve used feedback from the webinar along with written comments received during the public comment period to inform decisions about the proposed changes.

Reserve Presentation

Stakeholder Consultation

The Reserve hosted a consultation on October 25, 2012 to discuss specific improvements and changes to the U.S. OWC Protocol, specifically:

  1. Characterization of mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) streams originating at a materials recovery facility (MRF)
  2. Documentation requirements for grocery store waste streams
  3. Compost process monitoring requirements
  4. Other protocol issues that stakeholders would like the Reserve to consider during the update process

The Reserve used feedback from the consultation to inform revisions to the protocol.

Version 1.0

The Reserve began developing the U.S. OWC Protocol in December 2009. The technical workgroup met from February through May 2010 to refine the draft protocol. A public workshop was held in late May to discuss the draft protocol which was available for public review and comment through May and June. Staff made final revisions to the protocol in June and it was approved by the Reserve Board on June 30, 2010.

Public Comments

Association of Compost Producers NatureWorks LLC
California Compost Coalition Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
California Organic Recycling Council Recology
CalRecovery, Inc. Recyclers Global Warming Council of the California Resource Recovery Association
Carbon Solutions Group, LLC Riverside County Waste Management Department
Cedar Grove Composting Solid Waste Association of North America
City and County of San Francisco, Department of the Environment South Coast Air Quality Management District
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery TerraPass
Environmental Credit Corp. US Composting Council
Mundus Aer, LLC Waste Management

Staff Response to Public Comments, Version 1.0 (June 2010)

Public Workshop

The Reserve hosted a public workshop in Los Angeles, CA, on May 27, 2010 to provide a venue for public feedback on the draft U.S. Organic Waste Composting Protocol. The workshop materials are available for download below.

Presentation Slides

The audio file can be accessed below. It begins on Slide 11 of the Presentation, Introduction to the Protocol.

Protocol Development Kickoff Meeting

The Reserve hosted a public meeting to kickoff the protocol development process for the U.S. Organic Waste Composting Protocol in Portland, Oregon, on December 9, 2009. The meeting provided a venue for the Reserve to discuss composting project GHG reductions and the protocol development process, as well as solicit information and feedback from the public. Please see below for the kickoff meeting agenda and presentation.

Presentation Slides
Attendee List
Composting Presentation Audio


Alameda County Waste Management Authority Integrated Waste Management Consulting
Association of Compost Producers Mundus Aer, LLC
California Composting Coalition and California Organic Recycling Council North Carolina State University
California Resource Recovery Association New England Organics
Californians Against Waste Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Cedar Grove Composting Recology
Center for a Competitive Waste Industry SCS Engineers
Community Recycling U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (formerly CIWMB) University of Washington
Environmental Credit Corporation Waste Management