The Reserve will host a public webinar to kickoff the U.S. Soil Enrichment Protocol V2.0 revision process. Register here
Find out more »The Reserve will hold a public webinar to discuss the Guatemala Forest Protocol in detail and solicit public comments. Register here:
Find out more »Register here Con experiencia de más de 20 años en la contabilidad del carbono, la Reserva de Acción Climática ha estado a la vanguardia del desarrollo, la promoción y el apoyo de soluciones innovadoras y viables para reducir el cambio climático, las cuales se basan en los mercados que benefician las economías, los ecosistemas y la sociedad. A medida que el mercado de carbono ha crecido, también lo ha hecho la Reserva, aprovechando el enorme éxito de trabajar con comunidades…
Find out more »Regístrate aquí: La capacitación general para la verificación es un curso obligatorio para verificadores líder que deseen proveer servicios de verificación a proyectos de la Reserva. La capacitación cubrirá las actividades y procedimientos para verificar proyectos incluyendo: Capacitación general que cubrirá las actividades y procedimientos para verificar proyectos Prueba de conocimientos la cual es necesaria aprobar para recibir la certificación de auditor líder
Find out more »Regístrate aquí: Este curso, debe tomarse por cualquier verificador interesado en proporcionar servicios de verificador líder o de revisor interno senior para proyectos bajo el Protocolo Forestal para Mexico. La capacitación cubrirá el Protocolo Forestal para Mexico y las herramientas de cuantificación y verificación. El curso se llevará a cabo en español.
Find out more »Register here The Climate Action Reserve is developing a Panama Forest Protocol for Offset Credits that will focus on the crediting of activities that sequester CO2e from the atmosphere through increasing carbon stocks in trees over time. The Reserve is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am PT to discuss the draft protocol and to solicit public comments.
Find out more »Register The Climate Action Reserve is developing a U.S. and Canada Biochar Protocol that will provide guidance on how to quantify, monitor, report, and verify climate benefits from the production and use of biochar, which is capable of locking up carbon and keeping it from re-entering the atmosphere for centuries. Biochar production provides an opportunity for the productive use of a variety of feedstocks that are otherwise considered waste biomass, including non-merchantable residues from timber harvests and fuel thinnings. The…
Find out more »Register here This is a mandatory course for Lead Verifiers wishing to perform verification of projects under the Low-Carbon Cement Protocol. This training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring, and project reporting. It will also cover the activities and procedures for completing verification of these projects under the Reserve program. In order to receive Lead Verifier certification for this project type, you must pass the course examination. The training will be from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm…
Find out more »Register here This is a mandatory course for Lead Verifiers wishing to perform verification of projects under either the U.S. or Canada Grassland Protocols. This training will review eligibility rules, methods to calculate reductions, performance-monitoring, and project reporting. It will also cover the activities and procedures for completing verification of these projects under the Reserve program. In order to receive Lead Verifier certification for this project type, you must pass the course examination. The training will be from 9:00 am…
Find out more »The Reserve Board of Directors is holding its quarterly meeting on January 24, 2024. Agenda and participation instructions
Find out more »Register here Workgroup members will be added to the meeting as panelists to actively participate in the discussion. Observers will be asked to remain muted but will be able to ask questions or make comments in the Q&A function on Zoom.
Find out more »Register This is a mandatory course for lead verifiers wishing to carry out verification of forest projects in Guatemala. This training will review the rules for project eligibility, quantification, performance monitoring and reporting. It will also cover the activities and procedures for completing the verification of these projects under the Reserve's program. To receive lead verifier certification for these types of projects, you will need to pass the course exam. Pricing: VBs VBs with operations limited to Guatemala: $365 VBs…
Find out more »Please join the Reserve for the protocol kickoff meeting – held in Spanish. Register here
Find out more »For 21 years, NACW has been North America’s premier event to learn, collaborate, and network on carbon markets and climate policy. NACW 2024 will present the content, community and connections it has been known for, but it will do so in a new environment that represents the evolution of the conference and our space. Attendees will see changes to the program, onsite experience and networking. It’s unquestionable that our carbon and climate policy community has been growing by leaps and…
Find out more »Agenda and participation instructions
Find out more »Register here
Find out more »Workgroup Meeting 1 (Spanish) Register here
Find out more »The Reserve has scheduled the U.S. and Canada Biochar Protocol verification training. This is a mandatory course for Lead Verifiers wishing to perform verification of biochar projects. To receive Lead Verifier certification for this project type, you must pass the course examination. This training will be comprised of: Two-2-hour live sessions, and A recorded lecture that must be completed asynchronously Homework to be completed before accessing the recorded lecture Exam to be completed after the two live sessions The live…
Find out more »Register This is a mandatory course for Lead Verifiers wishing to perform verification of Reserve projects. The training will cover the activities and procedures for completing verification of projects under the Reserve program. In order to receive Lead Verifier certification, you must pass the course examination.
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