For information on California’s Cap-and-Trade program, please visit the California Air Resources Board (CARB) website.
Offset Program Forms available on the CARB website include:
Authorized Project Designee
- Designation of Authorized Project Designee
Listing Forms
- Application for Listing a Livestock Offset Project
- Application for Listing a Mine Methane Capture Offset Project
- Application for Listing an Ozone Depleting Substances Offset Project
- Application for Listing a Rice Cultivation Offset Project
- Applications for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project
- Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project – Avoided Conversion
- Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project – Improved Forest Management
- Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project – Reforestation
- Application for Listing an Urban Forest Offset Project
Reporting Forms
- Livestock Offset Project Data Report
- Mine Methane Capture Offset Project Data Reports
- For Active Underground Mines
- For Active Surface Mines
- For Abandoned Underground Mines
- Ozone Depleting Substances Offset Project Data Report
- Rice Cultivation Offset Project Data Report (no form currently available)
- U.S. Forest Offset Project Data Reports
- Annual Reporting Period – All Project Types
- Initial Reporting Period – Avoided Conversion
- Initial Reporting Period – Improved Forest Management
- Initial Reporting Period – Reforestation
- Urban Forest Offset Project Data Report (no form currently available)
Offset Verification Forms
- Evaluation of Conflict of Interest for Offset Projects
- Notice of Offset Verification Services (NOVS)
- Offset Verification Statement
DEBS Application Form
- Application for Direct Environmental Benefits Status Form
Issuance of ARB Offset Credits
- Request for Issuance of ARB Offset Credits
Calculation Tools
The Climate Action Reserve has created tools to assist account holders who are developing livestock and U.S. forest projects under the Compliance Offset Protocols. Use of these tools is optional, but only the most current version should be used for project quantification. Please note that these tools have not been officially sanctioned by the California Air Resources Board.
Tool | Description | COP |
COP Tool Version 2011d (May 2014) COP Tool Version 2014b (April 2015) |
The Beta Livestock COP Tools assist with the quantification of modeled and metered emission reductions for compliance livestock projects. This tool is made available to Reserve account holders upon request. To receive a copy, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the e-mail, please include the following information:
Compliance Offset Protocol – Livestock Projects (October 20, 2011 and November 14, 2014) |
COP Monitoring Calculation Worksheet – Avoided Conversion (July 2015) COP Monitoring Calculation Worksheet – Improved Forest Management (July 2015) COP Monitoring Calculation Worksheet – Reforestation (July 2015) |
The COP Monitoring Calculation Worksheet is an Excel file designed to help OPO/APDs organize their data and facilitate verification over the span of the project’s crediting period. This tool is made available to Reserve account holders upon request. To receive a copy, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the e-mail, please include the following information:
Compliance Offset Protocol – U.S. Forest Projects (October 20, 2011 and November 14, 2014) |
COP Harvested Wood Products Worksheet (July 2015) | The Harvested Wood Products Worksheet is an Excel file that will process a compliance project’s harvest data, as well as calculate project carbon and assist in the calculation of baseline carbon from harvested wood products for each reporting period. This tool is designed to be used in conjunction with the Monitoring Calculation Worksheet and can be made available to Reserve account holders upon request. To receive a copy, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the e-mail, please include the following information:
Compliance Offset Protocol – U.S. Forest Projects (October 20, 2011 and November 14, 2014) |