Connect with a Verification Body

The verification bodies listed below are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and qualified to provide verification services for voluntary and early action projects under the Reserve’s program. Once a verification body has both completed the training requirements AND achieved its ISO 14065: 2007, ISO 14064-3: 2006, and IAF MD 6: 2009 accreditation, it may advertise that it is “recognized and qualified as a verification body for the Climate Action Reserve.” The list of ANAB-accredited Verification Bodies is available on ANAB’s website. The Reserve is also working with Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C. (EMA) in Mexico to accredit verification bodies to support the Mexico Forest Protocol.

Projects undergoing verification for ARB offset credits: Offset Project Operators must employ verification bodies that have been accredited by ARB in order to be issued offset credits under an ARB Compliance Offset Protocol. Early action projects hoping to transition credits to the Compliance Offset Program must undergo a subsequent regulatory verification of Early Action Offset Credits (EAOCs) by an ARB-accredited verifier as well. Please consult the ARB website for the list of accredited offset verifiers and verification bodies.

Verification bodies that are currently undergoing the ANAB accreditation process and have not yet completed the process are allowed to perform verification activities for Reserve projects if they have already met the training requirements. However, CRTs will not be issued to those projects until the verification body has received its formal accreditation. The verification body should notify the project developer of the circumstances surrounding its expected accreditation and this should be addressed in its verification contract.

If a verification body is having trouble locating a client for an ANAB witness assessment, it should notify the Reserve staff at (213) 891-1444 ext. 3 or [email protected].

Note that verification bodies must have two or more lead verifiers trained on each project type for which they wish to perform verifications. Verification bodies interested in subcontracting verifiers may refer to the list of individual verifiers who have passed our project protocol-specific trainings. Note that the subcontracted verifier(s) must be identified on the Verification Policies Acknowledgement, Agreement, and Verification Staff Reporting Form and the NOVA/COI form. These verification body forms can be found on our Program-wide Project Forms page.


Verification Body Mailing Address Contact Type
Agri-Waste Technology
501 N. Salem Street, Suite 201
Apex, NC 27502
Hal Langenbach
(919) 367-6312
[email protected]
(AAP) (B) (CMM) (LCC) (LF) (LV) (NAP) (OWD) (OWC)
Asociación de Normalización y Certificación, S.A. de C.V.
Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 869, Nueva Industrial Vallejo, Ciudad de México, C.P. 07700, México Joel Miguel Ramírez
(+52) 55 4180 5405
[email protected]
Aster Global Environmental Solutions, Inc.
3800 Clermont Street NW,
North Lawrence, OH 44666
Janice McMahon
(330) 294-1242
[email protected]
(F) (G) (NM) (RC) (SEP) (UF)
Control Union Services S.A.C
Avenida Petit Thouars
4653 Of 603, Miraflores, Lima
Jean Carlo Rivera Curi
[email protected]
First Environment, Inc.
91 Fulton Street
Boonton, NJ 07005
Michael Carim
(626) 529-3089
[email protected]
(B) (CMM) (LF) (LV) (LCC) (ODS) (OWC)
4250 Fairfax Drive, Suite 600
Arlington, VA, 22203
Trey Neinast
(703) 358-9127, Ext. 5
[email protected]
(LF) (LV) (OWC) (OWD)
GHD Services, Inc.
5900 Hollis Street, Suite A
Emeryville, CA 94608
Elnaz Senobari Vayghan
+1 (778) 309 2366
[email protected]
(F) (LF) (LV) (LCC) (ODS)
Green Certificaciones E Inspecciones S.C.
Av. Presidente Mazaryk, No. Ext. 111, No. Int. Piso 1. Polanco V
Sección, C.P. 11560, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, México
Yazmin Arileidy Hernández de Lucio
+52 5579462989
[email protected]
440 Louisiana St. Suite 900
Houston, TX 77002
Raúl G. Mitre
+52 44 2179 2950
[email protected]
Bosque De Los OLlivos MZ55 LT 77 INT 2, Tecamac, Estado de Mexico, 55764 MA. DE LOS ANGELES CEJA FLORES
55 8098 6614
[email protected]
S&A Carbon, LLC
705 SE 55th Ave
Portland, OR 97215
Kyle Silon
(971) 235-7835
[email protected]
SCS Global Services
2000 Powell Street, Suite 2000
Emeryville, CA 94608
Christie Pollet-Young
(510) 452-9093
[email protected]David Ross
+52 1.311.147.8971
(F) (G) (LF) (MF) (UF)
TÜV SÜD America, Inc
743 Horizon Court Suite 385
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Zach Eyler
(970) 241-9298 x15
[email protected]
(AAP) (CMM) (F) (G) (LF) (LV) (MF) (NAP) (NM) (ODS) (OWC) (OWD) (SEP) (UF)


Project Type Abbreviation
Adipic Acid Production AAP
Biochar B
Coal Mine Methane CMM
Forest F
Mexico Forest MF
Grassland G
U.S. and Mexico Landfill LF
U.S. and Mexico Livestock LV
Low-Carbon Cement LCC
Nitrogen Management NM
Nitric Acid Production NAP
Ozone Depleting Substances ODS
Organic Waste Composting OWC
Organic Waste Digestion OWD
Rice Cultivation RC
Soil Enrichment SEP
Urban Forest Management UFM
Urban Tree Planting UTP


Grouped Verification Accreditation

Sector Natural Climate Solutions – Forestry Natural Climate Solutions – Agriculture Natural Climate Solutions – Other Waste Handling and Methane Destruction Industrial Processes and Gases
  • U.S. Forest*
  • Compliance Offset Protocol U.S. Forest Projects (ARB)

*ARB verification trainings will only be accepted for verifiers of forest projects using the Reserve’s Forest Protocol (FP) V2.1 – V3.3. Verifiers of forest projects using later versions of the FP must successfully pass a Reserve protocol training and exam.

  • U.S. Grassland
  • Canada Grassland
  • U.S. Coal Mine Compliance Offset Protocol
  • Mine Methane Capture Projects (ARB)
  • U.S. Adipic Acid Production
  • China Adipic Acid Production
  • U.S. Nitric Acid Production
  • U.S. Urban Forest Management
  • U.S. Urban Tree Planting
  • U.S. Nitrogen Management
  • U.S. Soil Enrichment Protocol*

*Verifiers with U.S. SEP Protocol certification may also verify U.S. Nitrogen Management projects. However, verifiers with only U.S. Nitrogen Management certification cannot verify U.S. Soil Enrichment projects.

  • U.S. Landfill
  • Mexico Landfill
  • U.S. Livestock
  • Dominican Republic Livestock
  • Mexico Livestock
  • Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock Projects (ARB)
  • U.S. Organic Waste Composting
  • U.S. Organic Waste Digestion
  • U.S. Ozone Depleting Substances
  • Article 5 Ozone Depleting Substances
  • Mexico Halocarbon
  • Compliance Offset Protocol Ozone Depleting Substances Projects (ARB)




  • U.S. Rice Cultivation
  • Compliance Offset Protocol Rice Cultivation Projects (ARB)
The following protocols have unique verification approaches and therefore cannot be grouped with other protocol types in the same sector.
  • Mexico Forest
  • Guatemala Forest
  • Panama Forest
  • U.S. and Canada Biochar (pending Board approval)
  • U.S. Low-Carbon Cement
  • Mexico Boiler Efficiency